Midlands Engine - Challenges for the Region
I attended my first Midlands Engine Board on behalf of the East Midlands LEPS yesterday. We had building work going on so I was on mute more than usual!
I have always been a big advocate for an the East Midlands voice - pushing for Regional Assemblies as far back as the early 1990s. So the current devolution debate fascinates me at a personal, practical and policy level.
I previously never gave much thought to the West Midlands but working more collaboratively I see how similar our problems are and how much we have been overlooked by policy makers for too long.
The devolution debate will carry on at pace in #Leiecstershire again this year after the local elections I am sure.
As our Chair said - if we met the potential of our region with ambition, consistent policy delivery and better funding there is a better future for our us all. But we currently lack all three.
But when comparing internationally we lack all of these and the elephant in the room yesterday was #Brexit. Until we start having these important debates Britain will remain in constant decline and left behind.
I am continuing to cover more of these policy thoughts Saje Impact and where #Leicestershire fits into this complex web of devolved government! I am hoping to create a safe space for these ongoing debates in the County over the coming months. #LeicestrershireThinkTank