Duty of Care research project gets underway
Data collection is underway for the review that Saje Impact is leading into the level of duty of care understanding in UK National Governing Bodies (NGB) and the extent to which sports are taking steps to improve duty of care across their organisation.
The review follows the Duty of Care in Sport report (April 2017) led by Baronness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE, DL which sets out clear recommendations that aim to look after the people at the very heart of the sector – the people who take part and volunteer.
A questionnaire has been sent to over 150 senior officials in a range of sports organisations including County Sport Partnerships, NGBs, Associations, Federations and Charitable Trusts. The first of a series of interviews is also set to take place this week with the Sport and Recreation Alliance.
The findings will reveal the level of duty of care understanding at grassroots level, where most ‘delivery’ in sport takes place, with 8 million regular participants. It also raises the question: have sports organisations responded to the Duty of Care in Sport report?
This review is timely given the much publicised allegations of NGBs failing in their duty of care towards participants. It is due to be published in September with the support of a number of delivery partners, notably Loughborough University and the Sports Think Tank.