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Achieving Levelling-Up: The Structures and Processes Needed

Achieving Levelling-Up: The Structures and Processes Needed

‘Levelling-up’ is one of this Government’s flagship ambitions. This report, Achieving Levelling-Up, focuses on the structures and processes needed to achieve it, finding that there is zero chance of achieving it without significant changes to the current system at a national and local level.

The report, conducted as part of the LIPSIT (Local Institutions, Productivity, Sustainability and Inclusivity Trade-offs) project by Demos and the Universities of Birmingham, Cardiff, Surrey and Warwick, identifies a number of problems with the current system for managing local economic policy, and suggests a new framework in which levelling-up should be possible.

Loughborough Town Deal - £32 million bid is submitted to transform Loughborough –

Loughborough Town Deal - £32 million bid is submitted to transform Loughborough –

An ambitious £32 million bid to transform Loughborough has been submitted to Government.

The Loughborough Town Deal is an exciting, once-in-a-generation opportunity to bring significant social and economic improvements for residents, communities and local businesses.

A Town Investment Plan outlining a range of projects has been drawn up that will seek to improve skills and boost job prospects, redefine the town centre to ensure it remains well-used and vibrant, improve the local environment and showcase the town’s heritage.