“To live a meaningful life, you must know that one thing is true: What you do already matters.”
When people start reflecting on life they assume there is a pattern - do something big then have an impact. People often say when I get the next promotion or become Team leader people will take me seriously and I can make a difference. Or they assume once that have made enough money or got a big breakthrough in their work then people will take notice and they will have purpose or meaning.
I’d like to challenge that myth. Yes we notice the influencers and those in the spotlight. But this doesn’t mean they are having a positive impact on anybody. Having meaning or purpose doesn’t mean having to influence thousands of people - it might be just one or two. It maybe the person next to right now.
You see our happiness is a by product of usefulness. And you can make a big or small impact on the people around you almost everyday. The little acts of generosity can just be as impactful as a grand statement.
This does not mean that bigger impacts and projects don’t count or matter. Far from it. But it does give you permission not to have to strive and feel a failure if you haven’t achieved big things. Think through the last week. How many moments and opportunities have you had to make a small but positive difference to a friend co-worker or stranger. It could be a smile or helping with a task or just dropping a text to somebody who needs to know you are there for them.
So don’t give up on the bigger impacts you can have. But have confidence that doing good things right now also matters and can give you meaning.
“Philosopher William James, one of the founders of pragmatism, said it best: “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.””