Andy Reed OBE has stepped into the role of Chair of the LLEP on an interim basis as Kev Harris steps down.

Andy Reed said:

Following the announcement that Kevin Harris has decided to step down as Chair of the LLEP when his term ends I have agreed to continue as a Vice Chair, but in the meantime act as an Interim Chair as we look to recruit a new Chair ahead of the AGM.

When I left Parliament over a decade ago I wanted to continue to give my time to my passions for Economic Development in Leicestershire, National policy around sport and physical activity, and issues of tackling global poverty and hunger. I have been fortunate to have served on a wide range of voluntary bodies where I have hopefully made a positive contribution and pursued my passions.

The future of LEPs has been a little uncertain during the pandemic, but now we have guidance from government and the offer of a County Deal on the table through the Levelling Up agenda.

I hope to be able to offer my 30 years of experience of local economic development reorganisations to find the best solution for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and the people, businesses and charities that make up my home County.

The only way we have ever made progress is by working properly in a collaborative way. That will be my approach over the coming months. Looking forward to the challenge and working with a great team at the LEP and a very supportive Board!

LLEP Chair will not seek re-election at end of current term | LLEP