It was a pleasure to be part of the 10th anniversary events for the hashtag#ThisGirlCan campaign by Sport England

"This Girl Can marked the end of the accepted wisdom that getting sweaty in the gym, jumping into a pool without fear of judgement or playing football with your friends wasn’t for women,"

"Low confidence, poor body image, lack of time and enjoyment, and safety fears were all holding women back.

"This Girl Can has helped to break down those barriers, with eight in 10 women reporting that it boosted their confidence to get active. We thank The National Lottery and its players for making this campaign happen and empowering women.

"But research shows the gender activity gap stubbornly persists, with half a million fewer active women than men. Until all women are active, This Girl Can does not stop. Here’s to the next decade of changing women’s lives."

Well done to everyone who has been part of this ground-breaking campaign and those brave enough to sign it off 10 years ago. Too many people to mention but good to see some good friends yesterday. Well done Kate Dale and the team over such a long period.
